Try Energy Journaling: 8 Practical Tips to Understand What Charges and Drains Your Energy

Energy journaling involves keeping a log to track your energy levels, mood, activities, and reflections throughout the day. Writing about how different activities make you feel on an emotional level can provide insight into patterns that affect your overall wellness. Maintaining an energy journal consistently over time allows you to better understand the ebbs and flows of your energy. Including gratitude entries and relaxation techniques like deep breathing can enhance the benefits. Read the article in full now to familiarize yourself with these top 8 tips.

So, You Take Care of Everyone but Yourself: 7 Reasons Why Being a People Pleaser Leads to Burnout

Recognizing the signs of burnout is critical for people pleasers. People Pleasers can take proactive steps to break the cycle of burnout by finding a healthier balance between meeting others’ needs and prioritizing their own self-care and desires so that they can improve their health and wellness and sustain their healthy high performance. Read the article in full now to learn more about 7 reasons why being a people pleaser can lead to burnout.