
This Psychological Experiment Changed Everything We Knew About Mindset

What if your mindset was the key to unlocking your full potential? In this post, we explore a fascinating Dartmouth Scar Psychological Experiment that shows how your beliefs can shape your reality. Dive into the science behind mindset shifts, learn how limiting beliefs hold you back, and discover how embracing accountability can help you take control of your life and career. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t—you’re right.

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Performance: Visualize How It Could Have Been Worse; Visualize How It Will Be Better

At the end of the day, we are responsible for our happiness. And sometimes, all we can do is trick our brain into feeling happy. When you feel anxious or stressed out, it helps if you imagine how things could’ve been worse than what it is right now. This is not a solution to your problem, but it reduces your anxiety and puts you in a better mood so that you can figure out a solution. Read this article in full now to learn more about this technique.